Well designed homes

Each phase the development will have a Design Code which sets consistent benchmarks of quality and approach across the development. Every application that comes forward on the development will need to meet the criteria of the Code, which covers use of materials; layout and design of homes, landscape, and public realm; accessibility and energy efficiency.
Urban&Civic then hand-pick housebuilders to work with, who will deliver the quality of homes Bowmans Cross demands. And work alongside them to deliver the landscape, infrastructure, public spaces and community facilities that come forward hand in hand alongside the new homes.
family looking at wildlife round a pond

Homes for all

As we go through the planning process, we will define the range of house sizes, types and tenures which will be coming forward. We currently anticipate at least 40% of the homes, will come forward in a range of opportunities for local people to buy or rent them through Affordable Home schemes including :

  • Shared ownership
  • Rent to Buy
  • Social rent
  • Private market purchase.

Urban&Civic will work with housebuilders to ensure all types of home come forward across the development in all shapes and sizes, and include Homes for Life opportunities: where homes can be adapted around you as your health needs change.
