Timeline and next steps: getting involved
Bowmans Cross will be promoted through the Hertsmere Borough Local Plan and the timetable for this is expected to be as follows:
Draft Local Plan
Local Plan Submitted and Government Examination
Local Plan Adopted
Initial engagement has commenced with Local Councils and we will be starting engagement with local groups from the late Summer and through the Autumn, and holding community workshops and online consultation events in the Autumn to work through the detailed plans for the development.
We will promote these on this website, and locally through door drops as part of a full engagement strategy over the coming year.
Alongside these physical events, this website will host a series of online and ongoing engagement opportunities to ensure you can help shape the plans coming forward.
If in the meantime you would like to talk to the team about any of the points above then please get in touch.
Our commitment to creating a new community at Bowmans Cross goes beyond the planning process.
We will be good neighbours, and work with the communities and partners around the development to get the plans right to benefit all.