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The developing vision

The natural assets at Bowmans Cross are at the heart of the vision that is emerging. It is this vision we want to test with you through these early engagement events and our online consultation. Discussions to date with local partners and parish councils, and feedback from previous discussions about this area, have helped shape the following key pledges that underpin the vision for the development:
concept masterplan

Concept masterplan

Key pledges:

  • Shaped by the environment: enhancing the natural world, embracing and protecting key environmental assets.
  • Connected but distinct: ensuring the identity of local communities are protected, but the facilities coming forward can be easily accessed by all through sustainable transport connections.
  • Focusing on local: both now and in the future - providing homes for all, with the quality infrastructure, space and facilities needed to live healthy, sustainable lives.
  • Net zero carbon: ensuring a place fit for the future, with low impact living.

A huge part of that will be creating a whole new way of living within nature and creating new places for nature within and alongside new development.

We call this concept Park Living and want to explore what this means with you.

The next few pages will show how our plans are developing to deliver these pledges, but we welcome your feedback on the pledges, alongside the way we plan to take them forward.

Urban&Civic will not only take the evolving design through consultation and planning, but also into and through delivery: including timing and phasing all of the proposed facilities so they are delivered when needed against the homes being occupied by new residents.

This will be part of a legally binding planning framework that Urban&Civic will sign and stand by throughout the duration of the project. We will continue to talk to you, work with you and listen to you at each stage of design and delivery.

Bowmans Cross vision sketch

Illustration of how a local centre in the development might look: providing shops and cafes as well as key community facilities.

bowmans cross vision sketch

A huge parkland along the south of the development will provide over a 65m wide and 10m high buffer from the M25, and include water features, walking, cycling and horse riding routes.

bowmans cross vision sketch

The plans have been influenced by the shape of the land, working with the heights to minimise visual impact for the wider area.

bowmans cross vision sketch

The development will work with existing businesses on site and could include refurbishment of barns and buildings to deliver new spaces for businesses, shops and leisure, alongside them.

Bowmans Cross would deliver

No more than 6,000 homes of these up to 2,400 will be affordable homes targeted to meet local needs

Up to 5 primary schools

Up to 2 secondary schools

Health Centre

30 hectares (74 acres) of new parkland

40 hectares (99 acres) of new woodland and habitats

Allotments and orchards

Sustainable Transport Hub

District and local centres including shops, community centres, cafes and other amenities

Many new kms of routes for walking, cycling, horse riding and health and fitness trails

New sports facilities including a 3G pitch

Energy centre with localised renewable energy production
